Review of on-site highlights
General Overview

China’s pan-entertainment industry economy is vigorously expanding overseas while boasting constant growth and steady development at home. With the development of new technologies such as AI and human-computer interaction, the industry is facing copyright problems which are not to be neglected, and is witnessing ever-increasing copyright disputes and lawsuits.

In this context, the 2nd Intellectual Property Forefront Pan-entertainment Forum, with “Pan-entertainment Copyright Protection and Development in the New Era” as the theme, is to be convenedin Shanghai on June 20-21, 2024, aiming at the promotion of the innovation and development of China’s pan-entertainment industry, boosting the efficient development of intellectual property (IP) right in the pan-entertainment industry, and building a learning and communication platform featuring high participation and high time-sensitivity for relevant enterprises both at home and abroad.

IFEF will help you understand:

• The IP Right Layout and Protection of Virtual Human in the Pan-entertainment Field
• Dynamic Interpretation of the Legislation on the Game Industry
• Global AIGC Policy Development and IP Lawsuit Situation Observation
• AIGC Copyright Ownership and Use---from the Perspective of AI-generated Image Copyright Infringement Case
• 1130 Roundtable Discussion: The Potential IP Right Risks in Sora Use in the AI Era and Coping Strategies
• Enterprise Viewpoint: Fair Use and Risk Prevention of the Copyright of AI-produced Games
• ISBN Code Application and Unfair Competition Analysis
• Dilemma and Lawsuit Strategy of Overseas IP Right Protection of Game Enterprises
• A Preliminary Analysis on the Copyright Issue of Using Competitive Product Videos in Game Promotion
• Roundtable Discussion: IP Risks of Games in Overseas Markets and Compliance System Construction
• Platform Viewpoint: IP Infringement Risks Caused by AIGC in the Short Video Field and Prevention Measures
• Situation and Trend of Short-video IP Lawsuits
• Analysis of Copyright Risks and Unfair Competition in Live-streaming Sales
• Compliance Risk Construction of Short Videos in Overseas Markets
• Roundtable Discussion: The IP Layout and Risk Response of Skits
• Data Security Compliance in Livestream from the Perspective of Data Security Law
• Infringement Analysis and Fair Use of Film Commentary Short Videos
• Copyright Protection of Online Literature in Overseas Markets
• Anti-monopoly Regulation against IP Abuse in E-sports Industry
• Roundtable Discussion: Analysis of IP Rights Infringement and Protection for Film and TV Works and Derivatives
IFEF Participating Units:

• Unique opportunity to raise your profile and showcase your expertise of your organization in Pan-entertainment IP area

• Enhancing and establish your partnerships with In-house counsel and industry peers globally to protect your patents and market exclusivity

• Catch up the global Pan-entertainment IP landscape and trends to build your strategies to adapt it

• Exploring the opportunities of China’s Pan-entertainment market and its impact on global medical device ecosystem

• Branding your IP services by in-depth conversation,speaking and exhibition booth in front of global Pan-entertainment IP professionals throughout this two days Pan-entertainment IP focused summit

• Getting Insights from leading in-house IP counsel, patent prosecutors and litigators, government officials and policy experts from around the world on latest and hottest medical device related IP issues facing IP professions today

• Arranging meetings with participants during the conference (Pre-Conference workshops, Tea break, Cocktail parties and Lunches )by using GIIPS online networking system

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The 2nd Intellectual Property Forefront Pan-entertainment Forum
“Pan-entertainment Copyright Protection and Development in the New Era”

June 20 mroning

Dynamic Development of Pan-entertainment

June 20 afternoon

Game Copyright Protection

June 21 mroning

Game Copyright Protection

June 21 afternoon

Film and TV Literature

Other IP Summits Organized By YIP Events